Friday, October 3, 2008

Comments on other blogs: Week 7



Reading Notes for Week 7: Oct. 7

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems

The most obvious solution to the problem of choosing a library system is to dismantle the current ILS and use a MARC converter and the TextML indexer. Mark Ludwig, a library systems manager at the University of Buffalo did this. I’m wondering why other libraries won’t follow suite, why continue to depend on outside vendors, that may or may not provide interoperability systems. My guess is that libraries are not ready to abandon the intellectual logic system found in the ILS.

How Stuff Works
This article was useful and easy to understand. Its equivalent to the “how the internet infrastructure works for dummies,” For example the router, is a huge computer that makes sure that information doesn’t go where its not intended and large volumes of data does not clog the network, and it makes sure that information does make it to the right place, sort of like a traffic cop. How about internet protocol? The unique identifying number evolved to the domain name system (DNS) to map text names to IP addresses automatically, without this ingenuity, the urls would be 32 numbers, instead of cool names like, mozilla dot com. Speaking of domain names, these are divided into first level (top) and second level categories. First level domain names include: com, org, net, edu, and gov. Neat-o.

Inside the Google Machine
or A piece of propaganda?
The video starts with Sergey Brin talking about the company’s products, how they encourage creativity, love for animals and charities, and support innovation of their employees. The creation of a Googlette to facilitate ideas and inevitably new products, for the Google brand. They mention nurturing the making of Orkut, a social networking site by a Google engineer. It makes you wonder if that engineer received any monetary compensation from Google. I was surprised to hear that Larry Page, admitted that Google, is an advertising empire. He said that Ad Sense was created to put content in ads, that when users search for a web-site, Ad Sense pops up to advertise their services or products, very innovative indeed.